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TransSkel 3.24
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* TransSkel - Transportable Macintosh application skeleton
* Release 3.23
* Please report problems to Paul DuBois.
* TransSkel is in the public domain and was originally written by:
* Paul DuBois
* Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center
* 1220 Capitol Court
* Madison, WI 53715-1299 USA
* Internet: dubois@primate.wisc.edu
* Additional changes were made by:
* Owen Hartnett
* OHM Software Company
* 163 Richard Drive
* Tiverton, RI 02878 USA
* Internet: omh@cs.brown.edu
* UUCP: uunet!brunix!omh
* Owen is also responsible for the port to THINK Pascal.
* Bob Schumaker joined the cast between versions 2.0 and 3.0.
* Bob Schumaker
* The AMIX Corporation
* 1881 Landings Drive
* Mountain View, CA 94043-0848
* Internet: bob@markets.amix.com
* UUCP: {sun, uunet, netcom}!markets!bob
* CIS: 72227,2103
* AOL: BSchumaker
* This version of TransSkel compiles under THINK C 7 or 8 or Metrowerks C 5
* or 6. (Possibly under THINK C 6 or Metrowerks 4.5 with some minor tweaks.)
* Reference key:
* IM Inside Macintosh
* TN Macintosh Technical Notes
* MHIG Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines
* HIN Human Interface Notes
* PGMF Programmer's Guide to MultiFinder (APDA)
* TPN TransSkel Programmer's Notes
* Recent history is given below. Earlier change history is in TSHistory.
* If you've been writing applications with an earlier release, READ THAT FILE!
* 15 May 94 Release 3.17
* - Changed references to QuickDraw globals so they're written in terms of the
* qd struct. E.g., thePort -> qd.thePort, gray -> qd.gray.
* - Redid some pattern references so they'll compile whether or not
* dangerousPattern is defined, and if universal headers are used.
* 25 May 94
* - Try to cast the argument to InitDialogs() properly depending on whether or
* not the universal headers are used.
* 10 Aug 94 Release 3.18
* - Began adding full support for Universal Headers so TransSkel can be
* compiled in native PowerPC mode. I'm doing this under Metrowerks C, so
* for the moment this also involves porting to Metrowerks. (For compiling
* M680x0 code under Metrowerks, no changes were necessary from release 3.17,
* which was a pleasant surprise.)
* - skelUnivHeaders invented. If value is 1, the Universal Headers are
* available in the header files(and thus UPP definitions are also available),
* otherwise workarounds are necessary for UPP types.
* - skelPPC invented. If value is 1, PPC code is being compiled. Simpler
* check than checking for powerc and __powerc.
* 05 Sep 94
* - Fixed bug in SkelDialog() with not checking whether the window property
* type was already attached to the handler. That could happen when replacing
* the handler for an existing window, and trying to add the property when one
* is already there returns an error.
* 30 Oct 94
* - Release 3.17 went to the qd form of QuickDraw global access, but that
* broke THINK Pascal support since THINK Pascal doesn't define the qd struct.
* References to the QuickDraw globals are now made using SkelQD(global), which
* can be defined to use the qd or non-qd access forms. The qd form is still
* the default, but the THINK Pascal version of the TransSkel library can be
* compiled easily by supplying a non-qd definition of SkelQD().
* 22 Dec 94 Release 3.19
* - Cleaned up the source code a little (e.g., removed some unused variables).
* 20 Mar 95
* - Updated to compile under universal headers release 2, which differ
* somewhat from release 1. These headers are supplied with Metrowerks 5.0
* and 5.5.
* - Converted old routine names (e.g., GetIText()) to new names (e.g.,
* GetDialogItemText(). This may make TransSkel not compile under THINK C 6.
* 25 May 95 Release 3.20
* - Updated for Metrowerks 6.
* - Updated for Symantec 8.0 C++ (PPC) and THINK C 8.0 (68K).
* 30 Jun 95 Release 3.22
* - Modified SkelInit() to properly set inForeground when the application is
* launched directly into the background. Code is based on that supplied by
* Hans van der Meer.
* - Added SkelGestaltCheck() function.
* 15 Jul 95
* - Modified SkelInit() to test for presence of Thread Manager and to set the
* hasThreads variable. The value of this variable can be obtained by passing
* the new selector skelQHasThreads to SkelQuery(). Modified main event loop
* to call Thread Manager, and added new functions SkelSetThreadTimes() and
* SkelGetThreadTimes() for setting and getting the amound of time spent in
* the Thread Manager. Code is based on that supplied by Hans van der Meer.
* This should be "#define useThreads 0" to turn off Thread Manager support,
* e.g., if you can't get TransSkel.c to compile. Also, make sure there is
* no "#define useThreads 1" in your compiler prefix.
# ifndef useThreads
# define useThreads 0
# endif
* TransSkel.h contains defines, typedefs, and public function prototypes
# include "TransSkel.h"
# include <Traps.h>
# if skelUnivHeaders > 1
# include <Gestalt.h>
# else
# include <GestaltEqu.h>
# endif
# include <EPPC.h>
# if useThreads
# include <Threads.h>
# if skelUnivHeaders > 1
# include <CodeFragments.h>
# else
# include <FragLoad.h>
# endif
* You may need to define some of these if they're not in your headers.
/*# define gestaltThreadMgrAttr 'thds'*/
/*# define gestaltThreadMgrPresent 0*/
/*# define gestaltThreadsLibraryPresent 2*/
# endif /* useThreads */
* New(TypeName) returns handle to new object, for any TypeName.
* If there is insufficient memory, the result is nil.
# define New(type) (type **) NewHandle ((Size) sizeof (type))
/* -------------- */
/* Internal types */
/* -------------- */
* Private data types for window and menu handlers
typedef struct WHandler WHandler, *WHPtr, **WHHandle;
struct WHandler
WindowPtr whWind; /* window/dialog to handle */
SkelWindMouseProcPtr whMouse; /* mouse-click handler */
SkelWindKeyProcPtr whKey; /* key-click handler */
SkelWindUpdateProcPtr whUpdate; /* update handler */
SkelWindActivateProcPtr whActivate; /* activate event handler */
SkelWindCloseProcPtr whClose; /* close "event" handler */
SkelWindClobberProcPtr whClobber; /* window disposal proc */
SkelWindIdleProcPtr whIdle; /* main loop idle proc */
SkelWindZoomProcPtr whZoom; /* zoom proc */
SkelWindSelectProcPtr whSelect; /* item selection proc (dialog) */
ModalFilterProcPtr whFilter; /* event filter proc (dialog) */
Rect whGrow; /* limits on window sizing */
Boolean whSized; /* true = window was resized */
Boolean whFrontOnly; /* idle only when window active */
short whFlags; /* various flags */
SkelWindPropHandle whProperties; /* property list */
WHHandle whNext; /* next window handler */
typedef struct MHandler MHandler, *MHPtr, **MHHandle;
struct MHandler
short mhID; /* menu id */
SkelMenuSelectProcPtr mhSelect; /* item selection handler */
SkelMenuClobberProcPtr mhClobber; /* menu disposal proc */
Boolean mhSubMenu; /* whether submenu */
MHHandle mhNext; /* next menu handler */
/* ------------------------------------------- */
/* Prototypes for internal (private) functions */
/* ------------------------------------------- */
static WHHandle GetWHandler (WindowPtr w);
static void DetachWHandler (WHHandle wh);
static void RouteEvent (EventRecord *evt);
static void DoMenuCommand (long command);
static void DoMenuHook (void);
static void DoMouse (WHHandle h, EventRecord *evt);
static void DoKey (WHHandle h, char ch, unsigned char code, short mods);
static void DoUpdate (EventRecord *evt);
static void DoActivate (EventRecord *evt);
static void DoClose (WHHandle h);
static void DoClobber (WHHandle h);
static void DoDlogEvt (DialogPtr dlog, EventRecord *evt);
static Boolean DoDlogFilter (DialogPtr dlog, EventRecord *evt);
static void DoGrow (WHHandle h, Point startPt);
static void DoZoom (WHHandle h, short partCode);
/* ------------------ */
/* Internal variables */
/* ------------------ */
* Window and menu handler variables.
* whList and mhList are the lists of window and menu handlers.
* mhClobOnRmve is true if the menu handler disposal proc
* is to be called when a handler is removed. It is temporarily set
* false when handlers are installed for menus that already
* have handlers - the old handler is removed WITHOUT calling the
* disposal proc. The effect is to replace the handler for the menu
* without destroying the menu itself.
* dragRect determines the limits on window dragging. It is set in
* SkelInit() to the bounding box of the desktop region inset by 4 pixels.
* growRect contains the default limits on window sizing. It is set in
* SkelInit(). The lower limits on window sizing of 80 pixels both directions
* is sufficient to allow text windows room to draw a grow box and scroll
* bars without having the thumb and arrows overlap. The upper limits are
* determined from the screen size. (Probably incorrectly for the case of > 1
* screen.)
* These default values may be changed if with SkelGrowBounds if they are
* not appropriate.
* zoomProc is the default zoom procedure to use if the window does not have
* one of its own. zoomProc may be nil, in which case the default is to zoom
* to just about full window size.
* mhDrawBarOnRmve determines whether the menu bar is redrawn by
* SkelRmveMenu() after taking a menu out of the menu bar. Normally
* it's true, but SkelClobber() sets it false temporarily to avoid
* flicker as each menu is removed.
static WHHandle whList = (WHHandle) nil;
static Rect dragRect;
static Rect growRect;
static SkelWindZoomProcPtr zoomProc = (SkelWindZoomProcPtr) nil;
static WindowPtr oldWindow = (WindowPtr) nil;
static WHHandle oldWHandler = (WHHandle) nil;
static MHHandle mhList = (MHHandle) nil;
static Boolean mhClobOnRmve = true;
static Boolean mhDrawBarOnRmve = true;
* Miscellaneous
* - skelEnv contains SysEnvirons() information.
* - sysVersion contains the system software version.
* - hasGestalt is true if Gestalt() is supported.
* - has64KROM is true if the current machine has the 64K ROM.
* - hasGetWVariant is true if GetWVariant() is supported.
* - mBarHeight is menu bar height. Window sizing, zooming and dragging
* code takes this into account. Initialized in SkelInit(), which see
* for teeth-gnashing over such a simple thing.
* - doneFlag determines when SkelEventLoop() returns. It is set by calling
* SkelStopEventLoop(), which is how the host requests a halt.
* - pIdle points to a background procedure, to be run during event
* processing. Set it with SkelSetIdle(). If nil, there's no
* procedure.
* - pEvent points to an event-inspecting hook, to be run whenever an
* event occurs. Set it with SkelSetEventHook(). If nil, there's no
* procedure.
* - eventMask controls the event types requested by GetNextEvent() or
* WaitNextEvent() in SkelEventLoop().
* - pMenuHook points to a procedure called whenever a menu selection is about
* to be executed. nil if no hook.
* - diskInitPt is the location at which the disk initialization dialog
* appears, if an uninitialized disk is inserted.
* - eventModifiers is the value of the modifiers field of the current event.
* - eventPtr points to the current event (nil if none seen yet).
* - defInitParams contains the default SkelInit() parameters if caller passes
* nil.
static SysEnvRec skelEnv;
static long sysVersion = 0;
static Boolean hasGestalt;
static Boolean has64KROM;
static Boolean hasGetWVariant;
static short mBarHeight;
static short doneFlag;
static short eventMask = everyEvent ^ keyUpMask;
static short eventModifiers = 0;
static EventRecord *eventPtr = (EventRecord *) nil;
static Point diskInitPt = { /* v = */ 120, /* h = */ 100 };
static SkelIdleProcPtr pIdle = (SkelIdleProcPtr) nil;
static SkelEventHookProcPtr pEvent = (SkelEventHookProcPtr) nil;
static SkelMenuHookProcPtr pMenuHook = (SkelMenuHookProcPtr) nil;
static SkelInitParams defInitParams =
6, /* no. of times to call MoreMasters() */
(GrowZoneUPP) nil, /* GrowZone proc */
(SkelResumeProcPtr) nil, /* resume proc */
0L /* stack adjustment */
* Multitasking support stuff
* - hasWNE is true if WaitNextEvent() is available.
* - inForeground is true if application is running in foreground (not
* suspended). Initially true unless application is launched directly
* into the background.
* - fgWaitTime and bgWaitTime are WaitNextEvent() times for foreground and
* background states.
* - getFrontClicks indicates whether the application wants to receive
* content-area clicks that bring it to the foreground.
* - pSuspendResume is the application function to call when suspend and
* resume events occur.
* - pClipCvt is the function to call for clipboard conversion.
* - hasThreads is true if the Thread Manager is available.
* - fgThreadTime and bgThreadTime indicate the number of ticks to spend
* in the Thread Manager each passs through the main event loop, for
* foreground and background states. These are initially zero, on the
* assumption that the application is not multithreaded. The application
* may set them non-zero to give more time to the Thread Manager. (Note
* that the event loop is coded such that the Thread Manager is not locked
* out even if the times are zero; it will simply be called only once each
* time through the loop.)
static Boolean hasWNE;
static Boolean inForeground = true;
static long fgWaitTime = 6L; /* 0.1 seconds */
static long bgWaitTime = 300L; /* 5.0 seconds */
static Boolean getFrontClicks = false;
static SkelSuspendResumeProcPtr pSuspendResume = (SkelSuspendResumeProcPtr) nil;
static SkelClipCvtProcPtr pClipCvt = (SkelClipCvtProcPtr) nil;
static Boolean hasThreads = false;
static long fgThreadTime = 0L;
static long bgThreadTime = 0L;
* Apple Event support
* - hasAppleEvents is true if Apple Events are available.
* - pAEHandler is the function to call when an Apple Event occurs.
static Boolean hasAppleEvents = false;
static SkelAEHandlerProcPtr pAEHandler = (SkelAEHandlerProcPtr) nil;
/* --------------------------- */
/* Initialization and shutdown */
/* --------------------------- */
* Initialize the various Macintosh Managers and lots of other stuff.
* FlushEvents does NOT toss disk insert events; this is so disks
* inserted while the application is starting up don't result
* in dead drives.
* initParams contains initialization parameters:
* - the number of times to call MoreMasters
* - the address of a grow zone procedure to call if memory allocation
* problems occur (nil if none to be used)
* - the address of a resume procedure to pass to InitDialogs()
* (nil if none is to be used)
* - amount to adjust the application stack size by (default 0; no adjustment)
* if initParams is nil, defaults are used.
pascal void
SkelInit (SkelInitParamsPtr initParams)
ProcessSerialNumber psn1, psn2;
Boolean answer;
EventRecord dummyEvent;
Handle h;
short i;
# if useThreads
long result;
# endif
if (initParams == (SkelInitParams *) nil)
initParams = &defInitParams;
if (initParams->skelGzProc != (GrowZoneUPP) nil)
SetGrowZone (initParams->skelGzProc);
SetApplLimit (GetApplLimit () - initParams->skelStackAdjust);
MaxApplZone ();
for (i = 0; i < initParams->skelMoreMasters; i++)
MoreMasters ();
FlushEvents (everyEvent - diskMask, 0 );
InitGraf (&SkelQD (thePort));
InitFonts ();
InitWindows ();
InitMenus ();
TEInit ();
* If universal headers are used, InitDialogs() no longer takes
* a meaningful argument. Pass zero.
# if skelUnivHeaders
InitDialogs (0);
# else
InitDialogs (initParams->skelResumeProc);
# endif
InitCursor ();
(void) SysEnvirons (1, &skelEnv);
sysVersion = (long) skelEnv.systemVersion;
has64KROM = (skelEnv.machineType == envMac || skelEnv.machineType == envXL);
* If 64K ROM machine, use hard-coded value of 20. Otherwise use
* Script Manager routine GetMBarHeight(). (This assumes, just to be
* safe, that GetMBarHeight() glue doesn't return 20 on 64K ROM systems,
* which it very well may. The low memory variable MBarHeight (0x0BAA)
* isn't used because it doesn't exist on 64K ROM machines (TN OV 4, p.7).
mBarHeight = (has64KROM ? 20 : GetMBarHeight ());
* Determine whether WaitNextEvent() is implemented (TN's OV 16 and TN TB 14)
if (has64KROM)
hasWNE = false;
hasWNE = SkelTrapAvailable (_WaitNextEvent);
hasGestalt = SkelTrapAvailable (_Gestalt);
hasAppleEvents = hasGestalt
&& Gestalt (gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &result) == noErr
&& (result & (1 << gestaltAppleEventsPresent));
hasAppleEvents = SkelGestaltCheck (gestaltAppleEventsAttr,
# if useThreads
# if skelPPC
hasThreads = hasGestalt
&& Gestalt (gestaltThreadMgrAttr, &result) == noErr
&& (result & (1 << gestaltThreadsLibraryPresent))
* If your compiler won't compile next line, change
* kUnresolvedSymbolAddress to 0
&& ((Ptr) NewThread != (Ptr) kUnresolvedSymbolAddress)
&& (result & (1 << gestaltThreadMgrPresent));
# else
hasThreads = hasGestalt
&& Gestalt (gestaltThreadMgrAttr, &result) == noErr
&& (result & (1 << gestaltThreadMgrPresent));
# endif /* skelPPC */
# endif /* useThreads */
* Determine whether GetWVariant() exists for checking whether a dialog is
* a movable modal or not. The variant code can be gotten other ways, but
* the existence of trap precedes the existence of movalable modal windows,
* so if the trap doesn't exist, movable modals aren't likely to, either.
hasGetWVariant = SkelTrapAvailable (_GetWVariant);
* Check whether application wants to get "bring to front" clicks.
if ((h = GetResource ('SIZE', -1)) != (Handle) nil)
getFrontClicks = (((**(short **) h) & 0x200) != 0);
ReleaseResource (h);
* Window dragging limits are determined from bounding box of desktop.
* Upper limits of window sizing are related to that. Both can involve
* multiple monitors, and should allow for menu bar. dragRect is inset
* so as to leave at least 4 pixels of window title bar visible in both
* directions (IM I-289).
* GetGrayRgn() bounding box gives desktop extents. On 64K ROM
* machines, GetGrayRgn() might not be present; could use GrayRgn
* bounding box, but use screenBits.bounds - menu bar, to avoid
* low memory access. The two should be equivalent.
if (has64KROM)
dragRect = SkelQD (screenBits.bounds);
dragRect.top += mBarHeight;
/* GetGrayRgn () already takes menu bar into account */
dragRect = (**GetGrayRgn ()).rgnBBox;
SetRect (&growRect, 80, 80,
dragRect.right - dragRect.left,
dragRect.bottom - dragRect.top);
InsetRect (&dragRect, 4, 4);
* If Process Manager is present, query it as to initial foreground/background
* status, overriding default setting of inForeground = true.
if (SkelGestaltCheck (gestaltOSAttr, gestaltLaunchControl)
&& GetCurrentProcess (&psn1) == noErr
&& GetFrontProcess(&psn2) == noErr
&& SameProcess (&psn1, &psn2, &answer) == noErr )
inForeground = answer;
* Let application come to front in multitasking environment, TN TB 35, p.8.
* (Assuming it wants to, that is.)
(void) EventAvail (everyEvent, &dummyEvent);
(void) EventAvail (everyEvent, &dummyEvent);
(void) EventAvail (everyEvent, &dummyEvent);
(void) EventAvail (everyEvent, &dummyEvent);
* Copy the default initialization parameters into the structure
* pointed to by initParams.
pascal void
SkelGetInitParams (SkelInitParamsPtr initParams)
*initParams = defInitParams;
* Clobber all the menu, window and dialog handlers. Tell SkelRmveMenu()
* not to redraw menu bar so it doesn't flicker as menus are removed,
* then redraw it manually.
* Before removing window handlers, hide all the windows. Do this from
* back to front (more esthetic and speedier). If a window belongs to a DA,
* close the DA. (For early systems (e.g., 4.1), if you leave a DA open,
* the system crashes the next time you try to open that DA.)
pascal void
SkelCleanup (void)
Boolean oldFlag;
short theKind;
WindowPeek w;
WindowPtr lastVis;
for (;;)
lastVis = (WindowPtr) nil;
for (w = (WindowPeek) FrontWindow (); w != (WindowPeek) nil; w = w->nextWindow)
if (w->visible)
lastVis = (WindowPtr) w;
if (lastVis == (WindowPtr) nil) /* no more visible windows */
if (lastVis != (WindowPtr) nil)
theKind = ((WindowPeek) lastVis)->windowKind;
if (theKind < 0) /* DA, close it */
CloseDeskAcc (theKind);
HideWindow (lastVis);
while (whList != (WHHandle) nil)
SkelRmveWind ((**whList).whWind);
oldFlag = mhDrawBarOnRmve;
mhDrawBarOnRmve = false;
while (mhList != (MHHandle) nil)
SkelRmveMenu (GetMenuHandle((**mhList).mhID));
mhDrawBarOnRmve = oldFlag;
DrawMenuBar ();
/* ----------------------------------- */
/* Execution environment interrogation */
/* ----------------------------------- */
#define trapMask 0x0800
static short
NumToolboxTraps (void)
if (NGetTrapAddress (_InitGraf, ToolTrap)
== NGetTrapAddress (0xaa6e, ToolTrap))
return (0x200);
return (0x400);
static TrapType
GetTrapType (short theTrap)
return ((theTrap & trapMask) ? ToolTrap : OSTrap);
pascal Boolean
SkelTrapAvailable (short theTrap)
TrapType tType;
if ((tType = GetTrapType (theTrap)) == ToolTrap)
theTrap &= 0x07ff;
if (theTrap >= NumToolboxTraps ())
theTrap = _Unimplemented;
return (NGetTrapAddress (theTrap, tType)
!= NGetTrapAddress (_Unimplemented, ToolTrap));
* This function returns true if the specific selector is present and
* the bit denoted by the featureCode is set. Note that featureCode can
* be -1 if you just want to check for the presence of the selector,
* without any interest in its value.
pascal Boolean
SkelGestaltCheck (OSType selector, short featureCode)
long result;
if (!hasGestalt || Gestalt (selector, &result) != noErr)
return (false);
return ( featureCode < 0 ) ? true :
( (result & (1 << featureCode)) ? true : false );
* Query the TransSkel execution environment. Shouldn't be called until
* after SkelInit() has been called. Result is undefined if selector isn't
* legal.
pascal long
SkelQuery (short selector)
long result;
Rect r;
RgnHandle rgn;
switch (selector)
case skelQVersion:
result = ((long) skelMajorRelease << 16) | skelMinorRelease;
case skelQSysVersion:
result = sysVersion;
case skelQHasWNE:
result = hasWNE ? 1 : 0;
case skelQHas64KROM:
result = has64KROM ? 1 : 0;
case skelQMBarHeight:
result = mBarHeight;
case skelQHasColorQD:
result = skelEnv.hasColorQD ? 1 : 0;
case skelQQDVersion:
/* get QuickDraw version number */
if (!hasGestalt
|| Gestalt (gestaltQuickdrawVersion, &result) != noErr)
result = 0; /* assume original QuickDraw */
case skelQInForeground:
result = inForeground ? 1 : 0;
case skelQHasGestalt:
result = hasGestalt ? 1 : 0;
case skelQHasAppleEvents:
result = hasAppleEvents ? 1 : 0;
case skelQGrayRgn:
rgn = NewRgn ();
if (rgn != (RgnHandle) nil)
if (has64KROM)
r = SkelQD (screenBits.bounds);
r.top += mBarHeight;
RectRgn (rgn, &r);
/* GetGrayRgn () already takes menu bar into account */
CopyRgn (GetGrayRgn (), rgn);
result = (long) rgn;
case skelQHasThreads:
result = hasThreads ? 1 : 0;
/* result is undefined! */
return (result);
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* Event loop initiation and termination */
/* ------------------------------------- */
* Main event loop.
* - Take care of DA's with SystemTask() if necessary.
* - Get an event.
* - Pass event to event router.
* - Call the Thread Manager, if present.
* doneFlag is restored to its previous value upon exit. This allows
* SkelEventLoop() to be called recursively.
pascal void
SkelEventLoop (void)
EventRecord evt;
Boolean oldDoneFlag;
long waitTime;
long nextEventCheckTime = 0L;
oldDoneFlag = doneFlag; /* save in case this is a recursive call */
doneFlag = false; /* set for this call */
while (!doneFlag)
if (TickCount () >= nextEventCheckTime)
if (hasWNE)
waitTime = (inForeground ? fgWaitTime : bgWaitTime);
(void) WaitNextEvent (eventMask, &evt, waitTime, nil);
* On some early versions of the system software, it cannot
* be assumed that the event contains a null event if the
* GetNextEvent() return value is false. GetNextEvent() calls
* SystemEvent() to handle some DA events, and returns false
* if the event was handled. However, in such cases the event
* record may still have the event that occurred, *not* a null
* event. To avoid problems later with misinterpreting the
* event as non-null, force it to look like a null event.
SystemTask ();
if (!GetNextEvent (eventMask, &evt))
evt.what = nullEvent;
SkelRouteEvent (&evt);
nextEventCheckTime = TickCount ()
+ (inForeground ? fgThreadTime : bgThreadTime);
# if useThreads
if (hasThreads)
YieldToAnyThread ();
# endif
doneFlag = oldDoneFlag; /* restore in case this was a recursive call */
* Tell current instance of SkelEventLoop() to drop dead
pascal void
SkelStopEventLoop (void)
doneFlag = true;
/* ----------------- */
/* Event dispatching */
/* ----------------- */
* Route a single event and run window idle procedures.
* If the event is a null-event, call the "no-event" handler for the front
* window and for any other windows with idle procedures that are always
* supposed to run. This is done in such a way that it is safe for idle
* procs to remove the window handler for their own window if they want
* (unlikely, but...).
pascal void
SkelRouteEvent (EventRecord *evt)
WHHandle wh, wh2;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
WindowPtr w;
SkelWindIdleProcPtr p;
RouteEvent (evt);
* Run applicable window idle procs. Make sure to save and restore
* the port, since idle procs for the non-active window may be run.
if (evt->what == nullEvent)
GetPort (&tmpPort);
for (wh = whList; wh != (WHHandle) nil; wh = wh2)
wh2 = (**wh).whNext;
w = (**wh).whWind;
if (w == FrontWindow () || !(**wh).whFrontOnly)
if ((p = (**wh).whIdle) != (SkelWindIdleProcPtr) nil)
if (!hasWNE)
SystemTask ();
SetPort (w);
(*p) ();
SetPort (tmpPort);
* General event dispatch routine.
* If there is an event-handling hook and it handles the event, the
* event is not further processed here. Otherwise, run the application's idle
* time procedure if the event is a null event, then process the event.
* Null events are sent through DialogSelect() if a dialog is active. This
* is necessary to make sure the caret blinks if a dialog has any editText
* items.
* Network events are not supported as per the deprecation in TN NW 07.
* Application-defined events 1, 2 and 3 are not handled, either.
static void
RouteEvent (EventRecord *evt)
Point evtPt;
GrafPtr evtPort;
short evtPart;
short evtMods;
char evtChar;
long evtMsge;
unsigned char evtCode;
WHHandle wh;
WindowPtr frontWind;
Boolean frontIsDlog;
short osMsge;
Boolean osResume;
Boolean osClipCvt;
Rect r1, r2;
WStateData **wdh;
SignedByte state;
/* save values for SkelGetCurrentEvent() and SkelGetModifiers() */
eventPtr = evt;
eventModifiers = evt->modifiers;
/* don't bother handling event below if event hook does so here */
if (pEvent != (SkelEventHookProcPtr) nil && (*pEvent) (evt))
frontWind = FrontWindow ();
frontIsDlog = SkelIsDlog (frontWind);
evtPt = evt->where;
evtMods = evt->modifiers;
evtMsge = evt->message;
switch (evt->what)
case nullEvent:
* Run the application idle-time function. If the front window is
* a dialog window, pass the event to the dialog event handler; this
* is necessary to make the caret blink if it has an edit text item.
* Don't use frontWind after calling the idle-time function, since
* the function might change the front window!
if (pIdle != (SkelIdleProcPtr) nil)
(*pIdle) ();
if (SkelIsDlog (FrontWindow ()))
DoDlogEvt (FrontWindow (), evt);
* Mouse click. Get the window in which the click occurred, and
* the part of the window.
case mouseDown:
evtPart = FindWindow (evtPt, &evtPort);
wh = GetWHandler (evtPort);
* Beep if a click occurs outside of a movable modal dialog box.
* Exceptions: allow clicks in menu bar, and command-clicks in
* drag region of underlying windows.
if (SkelIsMMDlog (frontWind)
&& !PtInRgn (evtPt, ((WindowPeek) frontWind)->strucRgn))
if (evtPart != inMenuBar
&& !(evtPart == inDrag && evtPort != frontWind && (evtMods & cmdKey)))
SysBeep (1);
switch (evtPart)
* Click in desk accessory window. Pass back to the system.
case inSysWindow:
SystemClick (evt, evtPort);
* Click in menu bar. Track the mouse and execute
* selected command, if any.
case inMenuBar:
DoMenuHook ();
DoMenuCommand (MenuSelect (evtPt));
* Click in grow box. Resize window.
case inGrow:
DoGrow (wh, evtPt);
* Click in title bar. Drag the window around.
* Problem fix: DragWindow() seems to call StillDown()
* first, so that clicks in drag regions while machine is
* busy don't otherwise bring window to front if the mouse
* is already up by the time DragWindow() is called. So the
* window is selected first to make sure it's at least
* activated (unless the command key is down, IM I-289).
* Also offset the window's userState by the amount of the drag
* (it'd be simpler to set it to the final content rect but the
* window might be in zoomed state rather than user state).
case inDrag:
if (evtPort != frontWind && (evtMods & cmdKey) == 0)
SelectWindow (evtPort);
SkelGetWindContentRect (evtPort, &r1); /* post-drag position */
DragWindow (evtPort, evtPt, &dragRect);
SkelGetWindContentRect (evtPort, &r2); /* post-drag position */
wdh = (WStateData **)(((WindowPeek) evtPort)->dataHandle);
state = HGetState ((Handle) wdh);
HLock ((Handle) wdh);
OffsetRect (&(**wdh).userState, r2.left - r1.left, r2.top - r1.top);
HSetState ((Handle) wdh, state);
* Click in close box. Call the close proc if the window
* has one.
case inGoAway:
if (TrackGoAway (evtPort, evtPt))
DoClose (wh);
* Click in zoom box. Track the click and then zoom the
* window if necessary.
case inZoomIn:
case inZoomOut:
if (TrackBox (evtPort, evtPt, evtPart))
DoZoom (wh, evtPart);
* Click in content region. If the window wasn't frontmost
* (active), just select it, otherwise pass the click to the
* window's mouse click handler. Exception: if the application
* wants to receive content clicks event in non-frontmost windows,
* select the window and "repeat" the click.
case inContent:
if (evtPort != frontWind)
SelectWindow (evtPort);
if (!getFrontClicks) /* don't pass click to handler */
SetPort (evtPort);
if (frontIsDlog)
DoDlogEvt (evtPort, evt);
DoMouse (wh, evt);
break; /* mouseDown */
* Key down event. If the command key was down, process as menu
* item selection, otherwise pass the character and the modifiers
* flags to the active window's key handler.
* Command-period is not supposed to be used as a menu-item equivalent.
* Consequently, that's noticed as a special case and not passed to
* the menu routines.
case keyDown:
case autoKey:
evtChar = evtMsge & charCodeMask;
evtCode = (evtMsge & keyCodeMask) >> 8; /* hope bit 7 isn't set! */
if ((evtMods & cmdKey) && !SkelCmdPeriod (evt)) /* try menu equivalent */
DoMenuHook ();
DoMenuCommand (MenuKey (evtChar));
if (frontIsDlog)
DoDlogEvt (frontWind, evt);
DoKey (GetWHandler (frontWind), evtChar, evtCode, evtMods);
* Key up event. Key-ups are signified by setting the high bit
* of the key code. This never executes unless the application
* changes the system event mask *and* the TransSkel event mask.
case keyUp:
evtChar = evtMsge & charCodeMask; /* probably 0? */
evtCode = ((evtMsge & keyCodeMask) >> 8) | 0x80;
if (frontIsDlog)
DoDlogEvt (frontWind, evt);
DoKey (GetWHandler (frontWind), evtChar, evtCode, evtMods);
* Update a window.
case updateEvt:
DoUpdate (evt);
* Activate or deactivate a window.
case activateEvt:
DoActivate (evt);
* handle inserts of uninitialized disks. Deactivate the frontmost
* window since the disk-init dialog doesn't do anything with
* activate events for other windows.
case diskEvt:
if (HiWord (evtMsge) != noErr)
SkelActivate (FrontWindow (), false);
DILoad ();
(void) DIBadMount (diskInitPt, evtMsge);
DIUnload ();
case osEvt: /* aka app4Evt aka MultiFinder event */
/* rip the message field into constituent parts */
osMsge = ((evtMsge >> 24) & 0xff); /* high byte */
osResume = (Boolean) ((evtMsge & resumeFlag) != 0);
osClipCvt = (Boolean) ((evtMsge & convertClipboardFlag) != 0);
switch (osMsge)
case suspendResumeMessage:
* Tell application it's being suspended or resumed
* Tell application to convert scrap if necessary
inForeground = osResume;
if (pSuspendResume != (SkelSuspendResumeProcPtr) nil)
(*pSuspendResume) (inForeground);
if (!osResume) /* always convert on suspend */
osClipCvt = true;
if (osClipCvt && pClipCvt != (SkelClipCvtProcPtr) nil)
(*pClipCvt) (inForeground);
case mouseMovedMessage:
/* recompute mouse region -- not implemented */
* 0xfd is a child-died event -- not implemented here since it's
* only had limited use, e.g., by certain debuggers. The child pid
* is byte 2 ((evtMsge >> 16) & 0xff)
case 0xfd:
default: /* other OS event */
/* pass event to catch-all handler -- not implemented */
case kHighLevelEvent:
if (pAEHandler != (SkelAEHandlerProcPtr) nil)
(*pAEHandler) (evt);
* Activate or deactivate a window by synthesizing a fake
* activate event and sending it through the event router.
* Useful for activating a window when you don't know its
* activate function.
pascal void
SkelActivate (WindowPtr w, Boolean active)
EventRecord evt;
if (w != (WindowPtr) nil)
evt.what = activateEvt;
evt.modifiers = active ? activeFlag : 0;
evt.when = TickCount ();
SetPt (&evt.where, 0, 0);
evt.message = (long) w;
SkelRouteEvent (&evt);
* Call a window's close procedure. Useful for closing a window when you
* don't know its close function.
* This function knows how to close Desk Accessories.
pascal void
SkelClose (WindowPtr w)
if (w != (WindowPtr) nil)
if (((WindowPeek) w)->windowKind < 0) /* DA window */
CloseDeskAcc (((WindowPeek) w)->windowKind);
DoClose (GetWHandler (w));
* Set the TransSkel event mask. Does not have anything to do with the
* system event mask. See TPN 3.
pascal void
SkelSetEventMask (short mask)
eventMask = mask;
* Return the event mask.
pascal short
SkelGetEventMask (void)
return (eventMask);
* Install an idle-time task. If p is nil, the current task is
* disabled.
pascal void
SkelSetIdle (SkelIdleProcPtr p)
pIdle = p;
* Return the current idle-time task. Return nil if none.
pascal SkelIdleProcPtr
SkelGetIdle (void)
return (pIdle);
* Install an event-inspecting hook. If p is nil, the hook is
* disabled.
pascal void
SkelSetEventHook (SkelEventHookProcPtr p)
pEvent = p;
* Return the current event-inspecting hook. Return nil if none.
pascal SkelEventHookProcPtr
SkelGetEventHook (void)
return (pEvent);
pascal void
SkelSetSuspendResume (SkelSuspendResumeProcPtr p)
pSuspendResume = p;
pascal SkelSuspendResumeProcPtr
SkelGetSuspendResume (void)
return (pSuspendResume);
pascal void
SkelSetClipCvt (SkelClipCvtProcPtr p)
pClipCvt = p;
pascal SkelClipCvtProcPtr
SkelGetClipCvt (void)
return (pClipCvt);
pascal void
SkelSetWaitTimes (long fgTime, long bgTime)
fgWaitTime = fgTime;
bgWaitTime = bgTime;
pascal void
SkelGetWaitTimes (long *pFgTime, long *pBgTime)
if (pFgTime != (long) nil)
*pFgTime = fgWaitTime;
if (pBgTime != (long) nil)
*pBgTime = bgWaitTime;
pascal void
SkelSetThreadTimes (long fgTime, long bgTime)
fgThreadTime = fgTime;
bgThreadTime = bgTime;
pascal void
SkelGetThreadTimes (long *pFgTime, long *pBgTime)
if (pFgTime != (long) nil)
*pFgTime = fgThreadTime;
if (pBgTime != (long) nil)
*pBgTime = bgThreadTime;
pascal EventRecord *
SkelGetCurrentEvent (void)
return (eventPtr);
pascal short
SkelGetModifiers (void)
return (eventModifiers);
pascal void
SkelSetAEHandler (SkelAEHandlerProcPtr p)
pAEHandler = p;
pascal SkelAEHandlerProcPtr
SkelGetAEHandler (void)
return (pAEHandler);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Window-handler event routing routines */
/* */
/* See manual for discussion of port-setting behavior: the current */
/* port is set to a window when it becomes active in DoActivate(). */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Process dialog event. dlog is the dialog to which the event applies.
* Give the filter a chance at the event first. If the filter doesn't
* handle it, pass the event to DialogSelect(). If DialogSelect() selects
* an item, pass the item to the window's item selection function, if
* there is one. This is used to dispose of dialog events that aren't
* handled in some other more direct fashion.
static void
DoDlogEvt (DialogPtr dlog, EventRecord *evt)
short item;
WHHandle wh;
SkelWindSelectProcPtr select;
if (DoDlogFilter (dlog, evt))
if (DialogSelect (evt, &dlog, &item)
&& (wh = GetWHandler (dlog)) != (WHHandle) nil
&& (select = (**wh).whSelect) != (SkelWindSelectProcPtr) nil)
(*select) (dlog, item);
* Run a dialog's filter function to give the filter first chance
* at the event.
* The filter function returns false if it doesn't handle the event.
* It returns true if it handled the event, in which case it should
* set the item parameter. The item will be passed to the dialog's
* item selection function.
* If the filter function returns true, look up the handler again
* just in case the filter function also called SkelRmveDlog().
* If it did, the handler will have become invalid. Looking it
* up again avoids disaster.
static Boolean
DoDlogFilter (DialogPtr dlog, EventRecord *evt)
short item;
WHHandle wh;
SkelWindSelectProcPtr select;
ModalFilterProcPtr filter;
Boolean result = false;
if ((wh = GetWHandler (dlog)) != (WHHandle) nil
&& (filter = (**wh).whFilter) != (ModalFilterProcPtr) nil)
if ((*(ModalFilterProcPtr) filter) (dlog, evt, &item))
if ((wh = GetWHandler (dlog)) != (WHHandle) nil
&& (select = (**wh).whSelect) != (SkelWindSelectProcPtr) nil)
(*select) (dlog, item);
result = true;
return (result);
* Pass local mouse coordinates, click time, and the modifiers flag
* word to the handler. Should not be necessary to set the port, as
* the click is passed to the active window's handler.
static void
DoMouse (WHHandle h, EventRecord *evt)
Point thePt;
if (h != (WHHandle) nil && (**h).whMouse != (SkelWindMouseProcPtr) nil)
thePt = evt->where; /* make local copy */
GlobalToLocal (&thePt);
(*(**h).whMouse) (thePt, evt->when, evt->modifiers);
* Pass the character code, key code and the modifiers flag word to
* the handler. Should not be necessary to set the port, as the click
* is passed to the active window's handler.
static void
DoKey (WHHandle h, char c, unsigned char code, short mods)
if (h != (WHHandle) nil && (**h).whKey != (SkelWindKeyProcPtr) nil)
(*(**h).whKey) ((short) c, (short) code, mods);
* Call the window updating procedure, passing to it an indicator whether
* the window has been resized or not. Then clear the flag, assuming
* the update proc took whatever action was necessary to respond to
* resizing.
* The Begin/EndUpdate stuff is done to clear the update region even if
* the handler doesn't have any update proc. Otherwise the Window
* Manager will keep generating update events for the window, stalling
* updates of other windows.
* For dialog windows, UpdtDialog() does the normal item updating. The
* filter procedure can take care of non-item drawing, such as a bold
* outline around a default button.
* Saves, sets, and restore the port, since it's not always the
* active window that is updated.
static void
DoUpdate (EventRecord *evt)
WHHandle h;
GrafPtr port;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
port = (WindowPtr) evt->message;
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort (port);
BeginUpdate (port);
if (SkelIsDlog (port))
if (!DoDlogFilter (port, evt))
UpdateDialog (port, port->visRgn); /* let Dialog Manager finish update */
h = GetWHandler (port);
if (h != (WHHandle) nil)
if ((**h).whUpdate != (SkelWindUpdateProcPtr) nil)
(*(**h).whUpdate) ((**h).whSized);
(**h).whSized = false;
EndUpdate (port);
SetPort (tmpPort);
* Pass activate/deactivate notification to handler. On activate,
* set the port to the window coming active. Normally this is done by
* the user clicking in a window.
* *** BUT ***
* Under certain conditions, a deactivate may be generated for a window
* that has never had the port set to it by a preceding activate. For
* instance, if an application puts up window A, then window B in front
* of A, then starts processing events, the first events will be a
* deactivate for A and an activate for B. Therefore, since it can't be
* assumed that an activate ever set the port to A, the port needs to be
* set for deactivates as well so drawing occurs in the correct port.
* This matters not a whit for the more usual cases that occur. If a
* deactivate for one window is followed by an activate for another, the
* port will still be switched properly to the newly active window. If
* no activate follows the deactivate, the deactivated window is the last
* one, and it doesn't matter what the port ends up set to, anyway.
* On deactivate, port is saved and restored in case deactivate is due to
* a modal dialog having been brought in front and port changed to it
* explicitly by the application. The deactivate shouldn't leave the port
* changed away from the dialog!
* For dialogs, DoDlogEvt() is called, allowing DialogSelect() to do
* whatever it does for dialog activates. The handler's activate procedure
* is called in addition to this (e.g., to hilite controls or text selections,
* adjust menus).
static void
DoActivate (EventRecord *evt)
WHHandle h;
GrafPtr port;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
Boolean active;
active = (evt->modifiers & activeFlag);
port = (WindowPtr) evt->message;
GetPort (&tmpPort); /* save so can restore if deactivate */
SetPort (port);
if (SkelIsDlog (port))
DoDlogEvt (port, evt);
h = GetWHandler (port);
if (h != (WHHandle) nil)
if ((**h).whActivate != (SkelWindActivateProcPtr) nil)
(*(**h).whActivate) (active);
if (!active)
SetPort (tmpPort);
* Execute a window handler's close box proc. The close proc for
* handlers for temp windows that want to remove themselves when the
* window is closed can call SkelRmveWind to dispose of the window
* and remove the handler from the window handler list. Thus, windows
* may be dynamically created and destroyed without filling up the
* handler list with a bunch of invalid handlers.
* If the handler doesn't have a close proc, just hide the window.
* The host should provide some way of reopening the window (perhaps
* a menu selection). Otherwise the window will be lost from user
* control if it is hidden, since it won't receive user-initiated
* events.
* This is called both for regular and dialog windows.
* Normally this is invoked because the close box of the active window
* is clicked, in which case the port will be set to the window. However,
* SkelClose() allows the application to close an aritrary window, not just
* the frontmost one -- so the port is saved and restored.
static void
DoClose (WHHandle h)
GrafPtr tmpPort;
if (h != (WHHandle) nil)
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
if ((**h).whClose != (SkelWindCloseProcPtr) nil)
(*(**h).whClose) ();
HideWindow ((**h).whWind);
SetPort (tmpPort);
* Execute a window handler's clobber proc. This is called both
* for regular and dialog windows.
* Saves sets, and restores the port, since any window (not just active
* one) may be clobbered at any time.
* Don't need to check whether handler is nil, as in other handler
* procedures, since this is only called by SkelRmveWind with a
* known-valid handler.
static void
DoClobber (WHHandle h)
GrafPtr tmpPort;
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
if ((**h).whClobber != (SkelWindClobberProcPtr) nil)
(*(**h).whClobber) ();
SetPort (tmpPort);
* Handlers for window events not requiring application handler routines
* to be called.
* Have either zoomed a window or sized it manually. Invalidate
* it to force an update and set the 'resized' flag in the window
* handler true. The port is assumed to be set to the port that changed
* size. Handler is assumed non-nil.
static void
TriggerUpdate (WHHandle h)
GrafPtr port = (**h).whWind;
InvalRect (&port->portRect);
(**h).whSized = true;
* Size a window, using the grow limits in the handler record.
* The portRect is invalidated to force an update event. The window's
* update handler procedure should check the parameter passed to it to
* check whether the window has changed size, if it needs to adjust
* itself to the new size. THIS IS A CONVENTION. Update procs must
* notice grow "events", there is no procedure specifically for that.
* The clipping rectangle is not reset. If the host application
* keeps the clipping set equal to the portRect or something similar,
* then it will have to arrange to treat window growing with more
* care.
* Since the grow region of only the active window may be clicked,
* it should not be necessary to set the port.
static void
DoGrow (WHHandle h, Point startPt)
GrafPtr growPort;
Rect growRect;
long growRes;
if (h != (WHHandle) nil)
growPort = (**h).whWind;
growRect = (**h).whGrow;
/* growRes will be zero if the size was not actually changed */
if ((growRes = GrowWindow (growPort, startPt, &growRect)) != 0)
SizeWindow (growPort, LoWord (growRes), HiWord (growRes), false);
TriggerUpdate (h);
* Zoom the current window. Very similar to DoGrow, but window
* is erased before zooming for nicer visual effect (per IM IV-50,
* TN TB 30, p.4).
* Normally, since only the active window has a visible zoom box and
* TransSkel sets the port to active window, this routine is triggered
* by user-initiated clicks in zoom box and the port will be set to
* the zoomed window.
* However, it is possible for zooms to be software initiated by the
* application itself on any window; for such cases the port needs
* to be saved and set before the zoom and restored afterward.
static void
DoZoom (WHHandle h, short zoomDir)
GrafPtr w;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
Rect r, growRect;
if (h != (WHHandle) nil)
w = (**h).whWind;
GetPort (&tmpPort); /* save port and set to */
SetPort (w); /* zoomed window */
if ((**h).whZoom != (SkelWindZoomProcPtr) nil)
((**h).whZoom) (w, zoomDir); /* custom zoom proc */
else if (zoomProc != (SkelWindZoomProcPtr) nil)
(*zoomProc) (w, zoomDir); /* custom default zoom proc */
else /* default zooming */
EraseRect (&w->portRect);
if (zoomDir == inZoomOut) /* zooming to default state */
* Get the usable area of the device containing most of the
* window. (Can ignore the result because the rect is always
* correct. Pass nil for device parameter because it's
* irrelevant.) Then adjust rect for title bar height, and
* inset it slightly.
(void) SkelGetWindowDevice (w, (GDHandle *) nil, &r);
r.top += SkelGetWindTitleHeight (w) - 1;
/* leave 3-pixel border */
InsetRect (&r, 3, 3);
/* clip to grow limits */
growRect = (**h).whGrow;
growRect.left = growRect.top = 0;
OffsetRect (&growRect, r.left, r.top);
SectRect (&r, &growRect, &r);
(**(WStateData **)(((WindowPeek)w)->dataHandle)).stdState = r;
ZoomWindow (w, zoomDir, false);
SetPort (tmpPort); /* restore original port */
TriggerUpdate (h);
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Window handler installation/removal/modification routines */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
* Install handler for a window and set current port to it. Remove
* any previous handler for it. Pass the following parameters:
* w
* Pointer to the window to be handled. Must be created by host.
* doMouse
* Proc to handle mouse clicks in window. The proc will be
* passed the point (in local coordinates), the time of the
* click, and the modifier flags word.
* doKey
* Proc to handle key clicks in window. The proc will be passed
* the character and the modifier flags word.
* doUpdate
* Proc for updating window. TransSkel brackets calls to update
* procs with calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate, so the visRgn
* is set up correctly. A flag is passed indicating whether the
* window was resized or not. BY CONVENTION, the entire portRect
* is invalidated when the window is resized or zoomed. That way,
* the handler's update proc can redraw the entire content region
* without interference from BeginUpdate/EndUpdate. The flag
* is set to false after the update proc is called; the
* assumption is made that the proc will notice the resizing and
* respond appropriately.
* doActivate
* Proc to execute when window is activated or deactivated.
* A boolean is passed to it which is true if the window is
* coming active, false if it's going inactive.
* doClose
* Proc to execute when mouse clicked in close box. Useful
* mainly to temp window handlers that want to know when to
* self-destruct (with SkelRmveWind).
* doClobber
* Proc for disposal of handler's data structures
* doWIdle
* Proc to execute when no events are pending.
* idleFrontOnly
* True if doWIdle should execute on no events only when
* w is frontmost, false if executes all the time. Note
* that if it always goes, everything else may be slowed down!
* If a particular procedure is not needed (e.g., key events are
* not processed by a handler), pass nil in place of the appropriate
* procedure address.
* Return true if successful, false if no handler could be allocated.
* If false is returned, the port will not have been changed.
pascal Boolean
SkelWindow (WindowPtr w,
SkelWindMouseProcPtr doMouse,
SkelWindKeyProcPtr doKey,
SkelWindUpdateProcPtr doUpdate,
SkelWindActivateProcPtr doActivate,
SkelWindCloseProcPtr doClose,
SkelWindClobberProcPtr doClobber,
SkelWindIdleProcPtr doWIdle,
Boolean idleFrontOnly)
WHHandle whNew, whCur;
SkelWindPropHandle wph = (SkelWindPropHandle) nil;
/* Get new handler immediately, fail if can't allocate */
if ((whNew = New (WHandler)) == (WHHandle) nil)
return (false);
* If there's a current handler for the window, remove it, but first
* grab the property list from it so it can be transferred to the new
* handler.
if ((whCur = GetWHandler (w)) != (WHHandle) nil)
wph = (**whCur).whProperties;
(**whCur).whProperties = (SkelWindPropHandle) nil;
DetachWHandler (whCur);
* Attach new handler to list of handlers. It is attached to the
* beginning of the list, which is simpler; the order is presumably
* irrelevant to the host, anyway.
* Then fill in handler fields (including properties attached to any
* previous handler).
(**whNew).whNext = whList;
whList = whNew;
(**whNew).whWind = w;
(**whNew).whMouse = doMouse;
(**whNew).whKey = doKey;
(**whNew).whUpdate = doUpdate;
(**whNew).whActivate = doActivate;
(**whNew).whClose = doClose;
(**whNew).whClobber = doClobber;
(**whNew).whZoom = (SkelWindZoomProcPtr) nil;
(**whNew).whIdle = doWIdle;
(**whNew).whGrow = growRect;
(**whNew).whSized = false;
(**whNew).whFrontOnly = idleFrontOnly;
(**whNew).whFlags = 0;
(**whNew).whProperties = wph;
(**whNew).whSelect = (SkelWindSelectProcPtr) nil;
(**whNew).whFilter = (ModalFilterProcPtr) nil;
SetPort (w);
return (true);
* Remove a window handler. This calls the handler's window disposal
* routine and then takes the handler out of the handler list and
* disposes of it (including its property list).
* SkelRmveWind is also called by SkelRmveDlog.
pascal void
SkelRmveWind (WindowPtr w)
WHHandle h;
if ((h = GetWHandler (w)) == (WHHandle) nil)
DoClobber (h); /* call disposal routine */
SkelRmveWindProp (w, skelWPropAll); /* toss properties */
DetachWHandler (h); /* remove handler for window from list */
* Install a handler for a modeless or movable modal dialog window and set
* the port to it. Remove any previous handler for it. SkelDialog calls
* SkelWindow as a subsidiary to install a window handler, then sets
* the event procedure on return. A property is also added to the window
* to indicate that it's a modeless or movable modal dialog.
* Pass the following parameters:
* dlog
* Pointer to the dialog to be handled. Must be created by host.
* doFilter
* Filter procedure to look at events before they are otherwise
* processed.
* doSelect
* Procedure to execute when an item is "selected" (e.g., a mouse
* click occurs in it).
* doClose
* Procedure to execute when mouse clicked in close box. Useful
* mainly to dialog handlers that want to know when to
* self-destruct (with SkelRmveDlog).
* doClobber
* Procedure for disposal of handler's data structures
* If a particular procedure is not needed, pass nil in place of
* the appropriate procedure address.
* Return true if successful, false if no handler could be allocated.
* If false is returned, the port will not have been changed.
pascal Boolean
SkelDialog (DialogPtr dlog,
ModalFilterProcPtr doFilter,
SkelWindSelectProcPtr doSelect,
SkelWindCloseProcPtr doClose,
SkelWindClobberProcPtr doClobber)
WHHandle wh;
short propType;
if (!SkelWindow (dlog, nil, nil, nil, nil, doClose, doClobber, nil, true))
return (false);
* Determine dialog property type to add to window and add the property,
* unless it already has one. (The property might already exist if
* the handler for an existing window is being replaced.)
propType = (SkelIsMMDlog (dlog) ? skelWPropMovableModal : skelWPropModeless);
if (SkelGetWindProp (dlog, propType) == (SkelWindPropHandle) nil
&& !SkelAddWindProp (dlog, propType, (long) 0))
SkelRmveDlog (dlog);
return (false);
wh = GetWHandler (dlog);
(**wh).whSelect = doSelect;
(**wh).whFilter = doFilter;
return (true);
* Remove a dialog and its handler
pascal void
SkelRmveDlog (DialogPtr dlog)
SkelRmveWind (dlog);
* Override the default sizing limits for a window, or, if w
* is nil, reset the default limits used by SkelWindow.
pascal void
SkelSetGrowBounds (WindowPtr w, short hLo, short vLo, short hHi, short vHi)
WHHandle wh;
Rect r;
if (w == (WindowPtr) nil)
SetRect (&growRect, hLo, vLo, hHi, vHi);
else if ((wh = GetWHandler (w)) != (WHHandle) nil)
SetRect (&r, hLo, vLo, hHi, vHi);
(**wh).whGrow = r;
pascal void
SkelSetZoom (WindowPtr w, SkelWindZoomProcPtr pZoom)
WHHandle h;
if (w == (WindowPtr) nil)
zoomProc = pZoom;
else if ((h = GetWHandler (w)) != (WHHandle) nil)
(**h).whZoom = pZoom;
* Return zoom proc associated with window, nil if there isn't one.
* Return default zoom proc if window is nil.
pascal SkelWindZoomProcPtr
SkelGetZoom (WindowPtr w)
WHHandle h;
if (w == (WindowPtr) nil)
return (zoomProc);
if ((h = GetWHandler (w)) != (WHHandle) nil)
return ((**h).whZoom);
return ((SkelWindZoomProcPtr) nil);
pascal Boolean
SkelWindowRegistered (WindowPtr w)
return ((Boolean) (GetWHandler (w) != (WHHandle) nil));
* Routines to determine whether a given window is a dialog, or a movable
* modal dialog. Safe to pass nil.
pascal Boolean
SkelIsDlog (WindowPtr w)
return (w != (WindowPtr) nil && ((WindowPeek)w)->windowKind == dialogKind);
pascal Boolean
SkelIsMMDlog (WindowPtr w)
return (SkelIsDlog (w) && hasGetWVariant && GetWVariant (w) == movableDBoxProc);
/* ------------------------ */
/* Handler finders/removers */
/* ------------------------ */
* Get handler associated with a window.
* Return nil if window doesn't belong to any known handler.
* This routine is absolutely fundamental to TransSkel.
static WHHandle
GetWHandler (WindowPtr w)
WHHandle h;
if (w == (WindowPtr) nil)
return ((WHHandle) nil);
if (w == oldWindow)
return (oldWHandler); /* return handler of cached window */
for (h = whList; h != (WHHandle) nil; h = (**h).whNext)
if ((**h).whWind == w)
oldWindow = w; /* set cached window and handler */
oldWHandler = h;
return (h);
return ((WHHandle) nil);
* Detach a handler from the handler list and destroy it.
* Clear window cache variable, just in case it points to the window
* whose hander is being destroyed (and thus has become invalid).
static void
DetachWHandler (WHHandle wh)
WHHandle h, h2;
if (whList != (WHHandle) nil) /* if list empty, ignore */
if (whList == wh) /* is it the first element? */
h2 = whList;
whList = (**whList).whNext;
else for (h = whList; h != (WHHandle) nil; h = h2)
h2 = (**h).whNext;
if (h2 == (WHHandle) nil)
return; /* handler not in list! (huh?) */
if (h2 == wh) /* found it */
(**h).whNext = (**h2).whNext;
DisposeHandle ((Handle) h2); /* get rid of handler record */
oldWindow = (WindowPtr) nil; /* clear window cache variables */
oldWHandler = (WHHandle) nil;
/* ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Menu handler installation/removal/modification routines */
/* ------------------------------------------------------- */
* Install handler for a menu. Remove any previous handler for it.
* Pass the following parameters:
* theMenu
* Handle to the menu to be handled. Must be created by host.
* doSelect
* Proc that handles selection of items from menu. If this is
* nil, the menu is installed, but nothing happens when items
* are selected from it.
* doClobber
* Proc for disposal of handler's data structures. Usually
* nil for menus that remain in menu bar until program
* termination.
* subMenu
* True if the menu is a submenu (not installed in menu bar).
* drawBar
* True if menu bar is to be drawn after menu is installed.
* (Ignored if the menu is a submenu.)
* Return true if successful, false if no handler could be allocated.
pascal Boolean
SkelMenu (MenuHandle m,
SkelMenuSelectProcPtr doSelect,
SkelMenuClobberProcPtr doClobber,
Boolean subMenu,
Boolean drawBar)
MHHandle mh;
Boolean oldFlag;
oldFlag = mhClobOnRmve; /* remove any previous handler for */
mhClobOnRmve = false; /* menu, without redrawing menu bar */
SkelRmveMenu (m);
mhClobOnRmve = oldFlag;
if ((mh = New (MHandler)) != (MHHandle) nil)
(**mh).mhNext = mhList;
mhList = mh;
(**mh).mhID = (**m).menuID; /* get menu id number */
(**mh).mhSelect = doSelect; /* install selection handler */
(**mh).mhClobber = doClobber; /* install disposal handler */
(**mh).mhSubMenu = subMenu; /* set submenu flag */
/* install menu in menu bar if not a submenu */
InsertMenu (m, subMenu ? -1 : 0);
if (drawBar && !subMenu)
DrawMenuBar ();
return ((Boolean) (mh != (MHHandle) nil));
* Remove a menu handler. This calls the handler's menu disposal
* routine and then takes the handler out of the handler list and
* disposes of it. The menu bar is redrawn if the menu was not a
* submenu and the global redraw flag hasn't been cleared.
* The menu MUST be deleted from the menu bar before calling the
* clobber proc. Otherwise the menu bar will end up filled with
* garbage if the menu was allocated with NewMenu (IM I-352).
pascal void
SkelRmveMenu (MenuHandle m)
short mID;
MHHandle h, h2;
SkelMenuClobberProcPtr p;
mID = (**m).menuID;
if (mhList != (MHHandle) nil) /* if list empty, ignore */
if ((**mhList).mhID == mID) /* is it the first element? */
h2 = mhList;
mhList = (**mhList).mhNext;
for (h = mhList; h != (MHHandle) nil; h = h2)
h2 = (**h).mhNext;
if (h2 == (MHHandle) nil)
return; /* menu not in list! */
if ((**h2).mhID == mID) /* found it */
(**h).mhNext = (**h2).mhNext;
DeleteMenu (mID);
if (mhDrawBarOnRmve && !(**h2).mhSubMenu)
DrawMenuBar ();
if (mhClobOnRmve
&& (p = (**h2).mhClobber) != (SkelMenuClobberProcPtr) nil)
(*p) (m); /* call disposal routine */
DisposeHandle ((Handle) h2); /* get rid of handler record */
* General menu-selection handler. Just passes selection to the handler's
* select routine. If the select routine is nil, selecting items from
* the menu is a nop.
static void
DoMenuCommand (long command)
short menu;
short item;
MHHandle mh;
menu = HiWord (command);
item = LoWord (command);
for (mh = mhList; mh != (MHHandle) nil; mh = (**mh).mhNext)
if (menu == (**mh).mhID && (**mh).mhSelect != (SkelMenuSelectProcPtr) nil)
(*(**mh).mhSelect) (item);
HiliteMenu (0); /* command done, turn off menu hiliting */
* Menu is about to be pulled down or command-key executed. Call menu
* hook if there is one so application can set menus/items appropriately.
static void
DoMenuHook (void)
if (pMenuHook != (SkelMenuHookProcPtr) nil)
(*pMenuHook) ();
pascal void
SkelSetMenuHook (SkelMenuHookProcPtr p)
pMenuHook = p;
pascal SkelMenuHookProcPtr
SkelGetMenuHook (void)
return (pMenuHook);
/* ------------------------ */
/* Window property routines */
/* ------------------------ */
* Add a property to a window. Fail if the window is unregistered
* or can't allocate memory for a new property structure. If the
* window already has such a property, fail.
* Returns a handle to the new property for success, nil for failure.
pascal Boolean
SkelAddWindProp (WindowPtr w, short propType, long propData)
WHHandle wh;
SkelWindPropHandle ph;
if (propType == skelWPropAll)
return (false);
if ((ph = SkelGetWindProp (w, propType)) != (SkelWindPropHandle) nil)
return (false);
/* if window is unregistered, or can't allocate structure, fail */
if ((wh = GetWHandler (w)) == (WHHandle) nil
|| (ph = New (SkelWindProperty)) == (SkelWindPropHandle) nil)
return (false);
(**ph).skelWPropType = propType;
(**ph).skelWPropData = propData;
(**ph).skelWPropNext = (**wh).whProperties;
(**wh).whProperties = ph;
return (true);
* Remove a window property. Does nothing if the window isn't
* registered or if the window doesn't have the given property.
* If propType is skelWPropAll, SkelRmveWindProp() calls itself
* recursively to remove all the properties on a window. This
* means that if you put skelWPropAll into the skelWPropType field
* of a property, you'll get an infinite loop here.
pascal void
SkelRmveWindProp (WindowPtr w, short propType)
WHHandle wh;
SkelWindPropHandle ph, ph2, pNext;
if ((wh = GetWHandler (w)) == (WHHandle) nil
|| (ph = SkelGetWindProp (w, propType)) == (SkelWindPropHandle) nil)
if (propType == skelWPropAll) /* remove all properties */
while ((ph = (**wh).whProperties) != (SkelWindPropHandle) nil)
SkelRmveWindProp (w, (**ph).skelWPropType);
/* remove particular property */
if ((ph2 = (**wh).whProperties) == ph) /* remove first in list */
(**wh).whProperties = (**ph).skelWPropNext;
while ((pNext = (**ph2).skelWPropNext) != (SkelWindPropHandle) nil)
if (pNext == ph)
(**ph2).skelWPropNext = (**ph).skelWPropNext;
ph2 = pNext;
DisposeHandle ((Handle) ph);
* Find the given property for the window. Fail if window is
* unregistered or has no such property.
pascal SkelWindPropHandle
SkelGetWindProp (WindowPtr w, short propType)
WHHandle wh;
SkelWindPropHandle ph = (SkelWindPropHandle) nil;
if ((wh = GetWHandler (w)) != (WHHandle) nil)
if (propType == skelWPropAll) /* return head of list */
ph = (**wh).whProperties;
else for (ph = (**wh).whProperties; ph != (SkelWindPropHandle) nil; ph = (**ph).skelWPropNext)
if ((**ph).skelWPropType == propType)
return (ph);
* Find the data value for a given property for the window. Return 0 if window
* is unregistered or has no such property.
* If you need to be able to distinquish an error return from a valid zero-value
* data value, you should call SkelGetWindProp() instead, check for an error,
* and extract the data value if there was no error.
* skelWPropAll is not a valid properly type for this call.
pascal long
SkelGetWindPropData (WindowPtr w, short propType)
SkelWindPropHandle ph;
ph = SkelGetWindProp (w, propType);
if (ph != (SkelWindPropHandle) nil)
return ((**ph).skelWPropData);
return (0);